Ikebukuro【Ikebukuro☆Nyanda☆FULL】is a sex club in Ikebukuro with a lot of movies and newcomers coming in everyday! We are the No.1 store in Tokyo with a large number of naughty av gals, inexperienced masturbation amateurs, and bukkake big tits, open 24 hours a day from early morning to late at night, and popular by word of mouth.


OPENOpen 24 hours a day



Price List For Foreigners

Free Photo Nomination
60min 33,000yen 35,000yen
90min 48,000yen 50,000yen
120min 66,000yen 68,000yen
180min 99,000yen 101,000yen
240min 132,000yen 134,000yen

Group Discount

1,000yen discount per person

10,000yen discount for a group of 10 persons

About Reservations

Tel reserve03-5843-3613

Tel Reserve

LINE reservation notes

・Reservations can be made up to 3 days in advance.

・We may not be able to reply immediately. If you are in a hurry, please call us to make a reservation.

・Reservations are accepted from 12:00 to 23:00.

・A reservation is not made until it is "confirmed" by us. Please be sure to communicate with us until the end.

・Once a reservation is confirmed, no cancellations will be accepted. In the unlikely event of a cancellation, a cancellation fee will be charged.

LINE reserve

※Phone reservations have priority over various online reservations.

※We welcome your inquiries, comments, and complaints.


The following persons are not permitted to use the room.
  • ・Gang members and others in the same business
  • ・Persons using or possessing illegal drugs
  • ・Drunken state
  • ・Persons with STDs or those who appear to have an infection
  • ・Those who are judged to be unsuitable as our customers
  • ・Coercion and performance of sexual intercourse
  • ・Actions that girls don't like to do
  • ・Private invitations to girls and other general solicitation activities
  • ・Service in the presence of a third party other than the customer

Today's attendance

To see the girls' names and introductory text, please press the translate button below.

本日の出勤は 60 名!!

  • LINE予約 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • X(旧Twitter)予約 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • デリバリーのご利用 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • クレジットカード決済ご利用の案内 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • 店長ブログ
  • Hで免疫力向上!健康になるセックスライフ HEALTH SEX LIFE 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗【池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL】都内最大級で24h在籍200名以上の女性求人情報 未経験大歓迎 日給5万円?全額日払い 女性求人公式サイトはこちら
  • ぼったくり・客引きについて
  • 性病検査
  • LINE予約 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • X(旧Twitter)予約 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • デリバリーのご利用 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • クレジットカード決済ご利用の案内 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • 店長ブログ
  • Hで免疫力向上!健康になるセックスライフ HEALTH SEX LIFE 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗 池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL
  • 池袋ホテヘル&デリヘル風俗【池袋☆にゃんだ☆FULL】都内最大級で24h在籍200名以上の女性求人情報 未経験大歓迎 日給5万円?全額日払い 女性求人公式サイトはこちら
  • ぼったくり・客引きについて
  • 性病検査


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